高級船員と下級船員: officers and crew 高級船員: 1. able-bodied seaman 2. officer 3. quarterdecker 4. ship's officer 搭乗している: there were someone on board〔人が〕 士官および他の乗組員: officers and crew 船の乗組員: 1. ship's company 2. ship's crew 乗組員と積み荷を載せて: carrying crew and cargo 多数の乗組員: large crew 戦車の乗組員: tanker〔主に米国〕 搭乗して: 【前】 aboard 宇宙基地の乗組員と交代する: replace space station crew member シャトルの乗組員: shuttle crew ヨットの乗組員: 1. crew of a yacht 2. yacht crew 寄せ集めの乗組員: scratch crew 救助艇の乗組員: lifeboatman 米偵察機の乗組員: crew of the U.S. spy plane